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The Village

Gagliano del Capo is a small village in the most southern part of the province of Lecce in Salento, Puglia. In winter it has only about 2000 inhabitants, but in summer this number triples thanks to the many secondos who return home and the tourists who benefit from the cultural offer of the village.


The village is known for its wonderful cliffs, historical sites and cultural heritage. It is situated on a rocky promontory overlooking the Adriatic Sea and offers breathtaking views of the coastline. In good weather, you can see the opposite coasts of Albania and Greece.


Gagliano del Capo is located two kilometers from Santa Maria di Leuca. The village on the cape is named after the famous Basilica di Santa Maria de Finibus Terrae, which with its lighthouse has welcomed travelling fishermen for centuries.


By the way, Finibus terrae means "the end of the earth" in Latin, because Santa Maria di Leuca is the last village in the east of Italy and therefore the meeting point of the Ionian and Adriatic seas.  

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